Ecokrete 5000 TR

Ecokrete 5000 TR

Pre-packed High Strength Concrete

100% Trusted by our clients

High Strength Conrete in a Bag

  • *Exceeds ASTM C-387

  • Quality controlled

  • Scientifically proportioned

  • Factory blended

  • Sets posts and poles in 6 hours

  • Walk on time 24 hours

  • Just add water and mix

Total value: Php 521.24

Today Just:

Php 328.94 / Bag - 27.2 Kg

Trusted by our Clients

Ecokrete 5000 TR Technical Data


Ecokrete is a mixture of sand, coarse aggregate, cement and special additives.


* Building or repairing columns, beams, walkways, floors & patios

* Building footings

* Setting load-bearing poles and posts

* For applications of 2 inches in thickness or more


Preparation of Substrate

When repairing concrete, remove all loose and foreign material. Dampen adjoining concrete surfaces.


Empty the contents into a mortar box, wheel barrow or a mechanical mixer. When mixing by hand, form a crater for adding water. (NB: 27.2 kg per bag = 2.8 liters of water) Add water a little at a time. Avoid a soupy mix. Excess water reduces strength and durability and can cause cracking. In cold weather use warm water to accelerate the set. Use cool water to slow the set in hot weather.


Place and consolidate Ecokrete. Work the material into voids, then level the surface with a straight edge board. Allow freshly placed concrete to set about 1 hour or until the surface water has begun to disappear before finishing. Time will vary with weather conditions.


Begin finishing when the surface is firm to the touch. Time will be shorter in hot weather and longer in cold weather. For a rough surface use a wood float. After floating use a broom or brush to texture the surface. For a smooth surface use a steel trowel. Use an edging tool.


In hot weather cover with a wet clean curing cloth and plastic. Keep continuously wet for a minimum of 3 days. The application of a curing compound (Ecocure S) is a better alternative.


Bag Size


27.2 Kg


To determine the number of bags needed: Multiply (length x width x depth) divided by the yield

Technical Data




Light Grey


Store in dry place

Shelf Life

15 months when unopened


27.2 Kg / Bag

Compressive Strength

7 days = 2,470 PSI

28 days = 5,000 PSI