EcoPlast ZEG

EcoPlast ZEG

Expanding and Plasticizing Admixture

for Cementitious Grout

100% Trusted by our clients

New Tech for Construction is now in the Market

  • EcoPlast ZEG plasticises the mix allowing an approximate reduction in water up to 20% for equal liquidity, thus improving the strength and hardened properties of the grout.

  • Gas generated during setting produces minute evenly distributed bubbles causing expansion to take place thus compensating for normal drying


  • The initial retarding effect of EcoPlast ZEG and its plasticising action greatly improves grout penetration and substantially reduces water separation and bleeding.

Total value: Php 351.45

Today Just Php 154.19 / Pack - 0.8Kg

Trusted by our Clients

EcoPlast ZEG Technical Data


EcoPlast ZEG is an expanding grout admixture that by introducing micro bubble into the mix produces wet volume expansion and increased fluidity without segregation.


EcoPlast ZEG is used to increase cohesion of sand / cement grouts and is suitable for the grouting of:

• Pre-stressed cable ducts • Rock and sail anchoring

• Rock and sail anchoring • Pre-placed aggregates

• Tunnel linings • Pre-cast concrete elements
• Tilt up construction wall panels


The preferred method of addition of EcoPlast ZEG is by premixing it with the gauging water. If this is not possible it can however be premixed with the dry cement / sand mixture providing it is thoroughly mixed.

Important Notes

Neither suitable for cement containing fly ash nor for use in underground mines.

Handling Precautions

* Avoid contact with the skin.

* Protective gloves and clothing are recommended when mixing or using this product.

* A full materials safety data sheet is available from ECONTECH on request.

Technical Data





Chloride Content



Within the range of +5ºC and +35ºC

Shelf Life

1 year stored in the original container


0.7 kg / liter (apparent density of powder)


1 kg per 40 kg bag of cement